Feb 20, 2022 Ski Trek

"Things are only impossible until they're not." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard, USS Enterprise, Star Trek


 To me, that was our finding from our ski trek on the Falaise St-Jacques and the Bande Verte. We skied, dodged branches and side-stepped up and down steep pitches on the falaise and then we broke trail on the multi-use path of the Turcot Bande Verte. We skied a 7 km circuit to prove it could be done. All that while A.T. Lane filled bird feeders along the way!! 

Snow Buntings Observing our Progress


And there were firsts. A.T. Lane and I had hoped to string together 15 km in order to complete the requirements for a stage in the virtual Canadian Ski Marathon. Sadly, we only compiled about half that distance but we now know it can be done. Birdie's friend, novice skier Fenn Mayes, showed grit as he navigated the falaise trail, on par with the more experienced skills of H.S. Tibbs and Alfred Wesley Sheritt.

Were we the first? I think not, but we had a mission ... to boldly go where no man (person?) has gone before!!


 But enough of the Star Trek associations. More fitting is Jackrabbit Johannsen's credo .... to see what's on the other side of the hill.

Birdie Munger, aka Steve New


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