22 April 2023 Falaise St Jacques Garbage Picking under the Rona Hardware

 Saturday 22 April 2023, about 20-25 volunteers gathered to clean up garbage from under the 5890 St Jacques Rona Hardware store.  As with most Falaise clean ups, they started from the Valley of the Birds near the Rose Bowl then walked  Eastwards along the  Hiking Path.  At first the hillside was clear of garbage as it had been that had been cleaned by many of the same volunteers in years past.  However the area under  Rona hardware was an different,  this section was covered by new garbage.

 After scaling the cliff, the volunteers gathered about 20-30 bags of garbage.  In addition the took down bigger items such as 20 sheets of insulation, the usual assortment of metal and pipes, a few tires , a deck umbrella and a chaise-longe.   

  The bags of garbage were hauled over to the Eastern Access road.  However the large loose items were left by the path.  Another group of volunteers will have to be organized remove them.  The city will be contacted in order to arrange the pick up from the Bande Verte Access roads.

  Although a great time was had by all the volunteers we hope that it is the last time we will need to clean up that area of the Falaise again.

  Sunday April 23 there was a planned second clean up day for the area under the Super C parking lot  on the Western Hiking Path but it was postponed due to rain.


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