New Year's Day Walk in the Falaise and the Christmas Elves

 The weather forecast was for rain and I was unsure who, if anyone,  would show up for the New Year's Walk.  

The day before Chris, aka the Forest Gnome, and I had tried to saw through a large downed tree in order to clear the Eastern path. This turned out to be more difficult than we thought and frustrated we had left the work unfinished for later.


So what would the New Year's Daty bring? Would we continue working on the sawing? Would no-one show up and I just fill the bird feeders? Would the forecast be correct and rain all day? Would people show up for the planned walk in the woods?

   Upon arriving at the Valley of Birds, the Forest Gnome was busy filling bird feeders. Soon after W.G Ross, Doreen Thomas and Dorothy Cole appeared and the decision was rapidly made to walk along the Western path that day.

We took a side trip up to the top of the Ski Chute.  I looked without success for the bed frame that was last seen in that area. Perhaps it was covered by snow?

 W.G and Doreen headed back home at that point, the Forest Gnome, Dorothy and I continued west to the end of the path.


 Returning home along the Bande Verte, the mysterious bed frame was spotted on the Eastern Access Road!

Some good Christmas Elf had collected a load of garbage from the Falaise! the above New Year's Day photo to the previous one I took on the 12 Dec 2021.

Further inspection of photos showed that the elves had also been by the Western Access Road.

17 Dec 2021

30 Dec 2021

The group of us headed back along the Bande Verte wondering who these elves were.

Arriving at noon time at the Valley of Birds,  we met up with H.S. Tibbs, Susan McCormick and a gang of other Falaisers as they also headed out for a New Year's Day Walk in the Woods.

It seems that 2022 has started off well!!!



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