3 Jan 2022 Skiing on the Eastern Path

 Daisy Greville, Alice Hawkins and A.T. Lane went for a ski on the Falaise's Eastern Path.  Along the way they met the Forest Gnome who was busy working away at his pet project. The Forest Gnome reported his meeting with the Forest Elf, and congratulated him on his recent work.

Rather than turning back at the Eastern Access Road they continued on along the Fence Path to the Falaise's Eastern Entrance.  A.T. took special note of the Elf's work in moving garbage off the path and made a small contribution of a cement filled bucket which he placed front and centre of the pile.

Filled with satisfaction they headed back on the Bande Verte towards the Valley of the Birds.

At the Central Access Road, a new mystery was discovered.  Somebody has taken the Gazette Box!  

The box went MIA sometime after 12 Dec 2021.


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