28 Jan 2022 More He Man Work on the Eastern Trail

 Satisfied with sawing through downed trees work done on the main Eastern Trail we set out to do some finishing touches along the Eastern Feneside Trail.

  Carrying the saws from the Valley of the Birds along the main trail.  Roger convinced the group to add an additional trail, "Roger's Chute", to the map.


Ego's satisfied, we continued on the main path debating, while the crows watched, and consulting with skiiers, as to if some trees warranted a cut or not.


Deciding against it, we continued east to our day's true objective, the Far East Fenceside trail, where we expected to find a large number of downed trees across the path.
Upon arrival, we did some work, but the bulk of the Fenceside trail had been already cleared by the usual suspects. 

 We all returned home for lunch.  A.T. had a feeling that more should be done.  He scouted out the Snow dumps behind  the St Gabriel Auto parking lots, took a few pictures and revised the map to show their locations more accurately.


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