24 Jan 2022 Via Poutina Ski Report


I went skiing in the falaise this afternoon for the first time in 2022. I was impressed by the amount of work done on both ends of the walking path. The «fence trail» look very promising as ski trail. Thank you for the hard work!

For my part, I managed to ski  up and down the «Via Poutina» at the La Belle Province entrance. I had to clear some branches and to add some turns to the path to make the experience enjoyable. But it has some potential as short but challenging ski run.

I also made some «telemark turns» along the downhill part of the western end of the Bande Verte, on the «wrong» side of the fence. The downhill is a little steeper and longer that way. And you get fresh snow!

See the pictures included. There's one of the Via Poutina and one of my turns along the Bande Verte.




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