19 Dec 2021 H.S. Tibbs 's first day out skiing



We skied the Falaise East trail from the Birds’ Valley to the eastern access road.   There were three of us: Tomas, Betty, and myself.   We met Dara skiing on the Bande Verte near the eastern end and convinced her to ski back along the Falaise trail.  


We skied the Bande Verte to the central access road where I skied down and then picked up the Falaise West trail.   I skied past the dinosaur as far as Ozymandias.   I turned back and met Dara skiing west.   She was going to continue.   She will be the first to do the complete Falaise trail on skiis this winter.   I came down Barclay’s chute to the stream.  It was a wet crossing.  Then up the Bande Verte and back to the central access.


The conditions were surprisingly good.   The Birds’ Valley could use another snowfall.



Falaise East path
Falaise West path
Bande Verte




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