28 Nov 2021 Chickadee Wars, White Throated Sparrows and Garbage Stuff
Today I noticed some angry chickadees arguing over who should be at the feeder.
The other bird news was that the White-throated Sparrow seems to have returned to the Falaise after being away for the summer.
When I reported on ebird that I saw 12 of these birds, (there was a flock of them, hard to say how many), ebird then prompted me, saying that it is unusual to see so many of these in this location and time. Wow....it seems I am right about White-throated Sparrows migrating!
On the garbage front I see that people have been adding to the garbage collection on the Central Access Road, well done!
28 Nov 2021
21 Nov 2021
I noticed a new chair with a blue gasoline canister as well as a black pipe and golf club over the wine press.
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