5 October 2021 He Man / She Woman work on the Falaise's Eastern Path

 We made our way down Bird Valley near Rose Bowl Lanes and turned left toward the eastern Falaise and the new rue Pullman. Our objective was to clear the walking trail that runs along the Falaise. There were 7 of us, plus 2 bow saws, a pair of lopping shears, a pair of small pruning shears and ….. the 2-person crosscut saw! All to improve access in the Falaise and provide an easier path to remove debris on October 23rd and October 24th during the Falaise Autumn Clean Up.


The trail is well established but trees have fallen across it. Our job was to cut and move those dead trees and branches. This was a manual work party, especially when it came to the two-person crosscut saw that we used on the big trees. It brought back images of lumberjacks before chain saws, working their ‘godendarts’ in the woods of Quebec. 

We knew beforehand that the Falaise is a haven for birds, but it was news to us that it is also a haven for bees. 


However, it’s also a dumping ground for car and truck tires. In the past, tire shops along rue St-Jacques pushed their unwanted tires over the edge and down the Falaise. Sauvons la Falaise is working hard to remove this garbage, made easier now by the more open trail.

 Tire #14 was added to the removal pile at the Central Access Road and the first tire was added on the Eastern Road. We’re happy to see that both these piles are growing.


 We’d started the day with coffee 4 hours earlier at Shaika and it was time to go. 6 cyclists + 1 driver in a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with the manual tools and aside from some heavy breathing, not one kg of CO2 expended by any of us.

 by Steve New aka Birdie Munger



  1. Allo les gars,
    J'ai grandi là-bas, pi j'descendais avec mon bike dans les années '70 bird valley, pour prendre pullman, et allez à l'auditorium de Verdun par Laurandeau et de l'église.
    J'aimerais vraiment aller à votre prochain "bee de travail"
    Je vais essayer de m'inscrire à votre info-lettre.

  2. Bravo! Great work! I hope to come and help some before the big cleanup!

  3. Beautiful blogs! What an productive crew you guys make! I can't wait to walk the new wester trail! Fantastic work and beautiful pictures... thank you Malcolm !


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