Bande Verte Bike Ride

 Malcolm aka A.T. Lane and Roger aka H.S. Tibbs met at the Shaika cafe for a regular Fixture ride to the inspect the construction of the Bande Verte and to stop by the Falaise's Valley of the Birds aka the Bird's Ravine.  Once there they were met by a family of hikers.

After filling the feeders, we walked down to the marsh, aka Lac St Pierre separating the Falasie and the Bande Verte to look at the newly installed bird houses.

Roger felt the need to impress some kids with his He Man work, so he moved about some 4x4 timbers and carted an old cart uphill to much applause.

Malcolm, felt guilty not taking any bird photos that day, so he included a couple from his previous day ebird records in this Blog. I won't talk about my bird spreadsheet or my Eddington Number progress.

Having done all the Falaise work for the day, they headed out to the Western entrance of the Bande Verte.


H.S. Tibbs at Western Entrance

Western Access Road

Rest stops under construction

Variety of trees and cedar mulch planted

Another rest stop

Snake Pit Housing?

Smaller Snake Housing?

What is this?

Perhaps it is a snake ladder up to the pit?

Variety of bird houses

H.S. Tibbs at Eastern  Entrance

Path up to the  Bande Verte

Mysterious terraced wall

First staircase

Second staircase



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